
To build your ePortfolio for the HR Capstone, follow the 6 steps below:

  1. Check your email
  2. Change your password
  3. Create your homepage
  4. Fix your settings
  5. Pick a theme
  6. Add in your assignments

1. Check Your Email

If you are in Dr. Janna Martin’s capstone class, you should receive an email from This email will invite you to set up your web account in Click on the link.

2. Change your password

Make sure to change your password to something that you will remember. If you lose your password, the system can reset it for you.

3. Create your homepage

One of your first assignments for this ePortfolio project is to create an “About me” page. Within your WordPress site, go to Pages and click on “Add new.” Title the page “About me” and either paste in what you have already written or answer the prompts in the page.

If you have questions about how to add images to your page or make other changes, I’d suggest going to the WordPress demo site and following their guided tour: You can also find an extensive training on LinkedIn Learning. As a member of OU, you can login using your OUnetID (4×4) and do as much of the WordPress 5 Essential Training as you’d like.

4. Fix your Settings

Go to the Settings for your website. Click on the settings menus called “Reading.” Where it says “Your homepage displays” choose the option that says “A static page.” From the drop down choose the homepage that you just created. At the bottom of the page, make sure to save changes.

Next go to Appearance and to the Menus section. Create a new menu called something like Main Menu or Navigation. Add your home page to the menu and tick the box that says “Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu.” This will automatically add any new page that you create to your menu. Next assign the menu to be the main menu for your site. Make sure to save your changes before you leave this screen.

5. Pick a theme

How your site looks is determined by the theme that you are using. You can change the theme by going to Appearance in the WordPress menu. You can switch between themes to see how they change your site. You can also customize whichever theme you want in the Customizer. Some themes will allow you to change the colors, fonts, or layouts of your pages.

6. Add in the rest of your assignments

After you get done with the initial setup of your site, you just need to add in your ePortfolio assignments as you complete them. For each assignment, go to Pages and hit ‘Add new’. Add the title and content to the page and hit publish. Make sure these assignment pages are in the menu for your site, by going to the Menus settings in Appearance.

You can find more tips and tricks for setting up WordPress in OU Create in this blog post or in the OU Create documentation.