Hello! My name is Hannah Oakley and I have graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Human Relations. I chose Human Relations as my degree after much thought regarding what my interests and passions are. Human Relations provided me with knowledge about people all around the world while firmly grounding the idea that we are all one race, the human race. This ideology equipped me with being able to acknowledge and love everyone’s differences without the natural reaction of fearing what we do not understand blocking my learning experience. Human interaction is unavoidable and being able to interact and respond appropriately is essential for daily life.

Throughout my college years I have been an active member of a sorority participating in volunteer work and fundraising for nonprofit organizations which overlapped seamlessly with Human Relations ideals. Through Human Relations I had the joy of taking Service learning where I had the opportunity to volunteer at a food shelter called Mission Norman. This is where I had the opportunity to interact with people from different walks of life while helping the mission’s operations run more smoothly. 

 My chosen career path with my Human Relations degree is Real Estate. I am passionate about finding people a welcoming space to grow and learn in while making memories to cherish for years to come. I am not here to help people find a house, but a home. Going into Real Estate I am aware of the prejudices that can come along with that in certain areas, but it is time to change that. I am confident going into this field of work after earning a Human Relations degree because I am equipped with the tools to navigate and relate to people from all walks of life.