Hello! My name is Cassidy Johnson and am graduating from The University of Oklahoma with a Human Relations Major and Minors in Spanish and Nonprofit Organizational Studies. I have loved my time at OU and the experiences that both the university and the city of Norman have provided to me. Boomer Sooner!

I was able to study abroad in Puebla, Mexico my sophomore year, and do an internship abroad in the Dominican Republic my junior year. These experiences have shaped who I am as a person in a major way, and helped me develop a high level of proficiency in the Spanish language. I have been involved in marching band for many years and have learned a lot about discipline and teamwork. Through several internships, various volunteer experiences, and the Human Relations Department at OU, I have learned about and developed a passion for social justice and seeing vulnerable populations well taken care of.

After graduating, I plan on beginning a career at a Nonprofit that serves children or other vulnerable populations. My husband, Duke, and I dream of moving to the Dominican Republic together someday where we want to serve as full time missionaries. To read more about me, Human Relations, and various life and work experiences, click through the tabs on the menu.