Welcome to my personal website!

My name is Maggi Smith and I am currently a senior at the University of Oklahoma majoring in Human Relations. In my free time, I enjoy volunteering, spending time with family and friends, and kayaking.

During my time in college, I have had a wide array of volunteer experiences that have shaped me, both professionally and personally. From devoting my college experience to serving others through Big Brothers Big Sisters, I have grown and learned in a variety of situations. Human Relations has taught me how to connect with others, and help my community in different aspects of life. I know that these experiences will be a great asset to me when I transition into the working world.

I am grateful to have had incredible professional experiences, with a strong and hard-working small-business owner who has become a mentor to me. Working for a small-business owner taught me to take initiative and handle responsibilities, as I typically worked by myself and self-managed the operations. Working as the secretary to this newly implemented business, I had to learn how to work in a fast-paced environment, while anticipating the needs of my boss. This meant that my attention to detail, accuracy, and meticulous planning was necessary to succeed. Above all, I learned about open and professional communication so that I was able to talk with other facility managers and customers. This position taught me how to market a brand and plan and execute an agenda, all of which contributed to my continuous learning. By intentionally pursuing professional experiences throughout my time in college, I know that I am qualified to take my experience to the next level and enter the professional world.

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