Welcome! My name is Brittany Morrow and I will graduate from the University of Oklahoma in the spring of 2021. I am a Human Relations major with a minor in African American Studies and I have a passion for people. The undergraduate program within this major has given me the skillset to transform my passion into a career while being able to serve my community.

During my tenure at O.U. I have dedicated much of my studies to the societal and social standards, customs, and laws that have impacted the lives of minorities, women, and many others. Criminal justice reform is an important issue that I studied during the Service-Learning semester for our capstone. We were able to track legislation and help build a 2021 conference at OCU surrounding the criminal justice reform. While researching for the conference I learned about what people are doing in their communities to make a positive change here in Oklahoma and around the country.

I am very interested in how racism, sexism, classism, etc. affect the mental health of the people who live with these challenges in society especially women of color. This has sparked my interest in a career in counseling. I will be attending gradute school to future my degree and hope to one day become a therapist that specializes in the mental and sexual health of women. I believe that until we are able to change the world around us, we must make sure that the world within us is functioning at its best and this is what I want to inspire for others.