About me

I began college with the intention of graduating with a degree in Political Science, then Non-Profit Administration, and then International Studies. It was not until I realized that I preferred people over policy and relationships over administration that I finally landed on Human Relations. In December of 2020, I graduated with a BA in Human Relations and a minor in International Studies. I also maintained a Pre-Law track while in college, with strong intentions to attend law school and pursue my passion of helping marginalized, abused, and trafficked women around the world. 

After my semester abroad in Italy, I came to the brilliant realization that the world is very big and I have a very narrow view of it. There are many people and even entire regions that do not have access to proper healthcare, legal help, and even some unalienable human rights. My purpose is to bring people, specifically women, afflicted by these injustices to justice. I have taken an impressive amount of relevant coursework, including both HR and International Studies courses like Sexism in America, Women and Gender in SE Asia, Race and Religion, Global Issues, Women and International Politics, Divorce Law and Social Implications, etc.

My goal is to attend the University of Utah SJ Quinney School of Law and earn a JD with an emphasis on International Law. I held several relevant internships and jobs while at OU, including working with the Center for American-Islamic Relations and working in the Treasurer’s Office for Tulsa County.