About Me:

Fall 2017
Fall 2017: Class Picture Day.


My name is Tannia Vilchez and I am a senior majoring in Human Relations with a concentration in Pre-Medicine at the University of Oklahoma. Throughout my undergraduate career, I have felt reassured that helping people is where my passion lies. 

When I began my freshman year of college, I came in with the perception that I had to be biology or chemistry in order to go into a medical career. However, through many conversations and with the help of my advisors I felled in love with Human Relations. This degree allows me to expand my knowledge about people and social issues while still allowing me to pursue medical school.

Going into the medical field has always been a long term goal that I plan to accomplish. I am pursuing a Neonatologist career, where I can help infants heal. I have a passion for helping others and a weakness for babies, this career gives me the opportunity to do what I love.

However, when it comes to chasing the medical field, I do not intend to follow the typical standard medicine career path. I choose Human Relations to gain an insight into the relationships and behaviors of people and social issues in the world. Multiculturalism and social justice are critical and personal values that I uphold. The medical field needs growth in teaching their students about people’s different identities, how to support care for everyone, and sway from the belief that everyone is alike. I want to be a better assistant with the proper knowledge of all human beings and I can achieve this through Human Relations.

After graduation, I plan to take a gap year where I can better prepare myself for the future. I plan to use this time to focus and study for my MCAT and apply for medical school. My top choice of school is the OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. However, I also want to use this time to work for a non-profit organization that aims to achieve social change. Throughout my undergraduate career, there have been many organizations that I have volunteered for that have had a significant impact on my life. Such as Dream Action Oklahoma where I have had the privilege to help Dreamers with their DACA Renewals. Or Manos Juntas, a free medical clinic that provides quality healthcare to the uninsured and underserved people of Oklahoma City

Once I retire from the medical field I plan to open up a multilingual clinic with multiple specialties in Oklahoma City that target the low-income community. Growing up in Oklahoma City I have seen and witness families from various backgrounds suffering from the lack of national health care. I want to provide a safe space for them to seek professional help without it affecting their financial responsibilities. I know right now this is just a vision but I can make it work in the future! I  want this clinic to vary from dental care, eye care, OBGYN care, to family care. I would like to have a clinic that fills the needs of everyone.