About me

Hi! My name is Natalie Eastmond; I’m a student at the University of Oklahoma majoring in Human Relations with a minor in Psychology. After graduation in December 2020, I will be continuing my education at the University of Oklahoma by attending their Human Resources Studies masters program. I hope to have a career in Human Resources after graduating with my goal being to one day have a career in developing and implementing diversity and inclusion training programs. During my time at the University of Oklahoma, I had the wonderful opportunity to study abroad at University College Cork in Cork, Ireland in the summer of 2019. While there, I gained experience in learning how to adapt to different cultural and educational settings.

Over the course of my journey at the University of Oklahoma, I’ve been able to discover and grow my interest in social justice, diversity, and inclusion. Starting out as a Psychology major, I quickly took an interest in reducing the stigma around mental health and developed a passion for spreading educational awareness for mental health and inclusion of those who are not neurotypical. This passion eventually led me to Human Relations, where I quickly discovered that it was my passion. Since then, my passion for fighting for diversity and inclusion has only grown. I hope to be able to channel this passion into creating a productive and supportive workplace environment for all.