Welcome! It’s nice to have ya ★

My name is Ashlyn Hankes and I am currently a student at the University of Oklahoma (Go Sooners)! I have made the best memories, friends, and experiences during my time here in Norman. I’m a Tulsa native, but will be adventuring out of the great state of Oklahoma upon graduating in December.

A little bit about me: I love to learn and read about past and current-day politics, I have a boxer/pit mix whom I adore, and hiking is one of my favorite forms of exercise!

Last summer I had the incredible opportunity to study abroad with the Human Relations department here at OU, and it was one of the most amazing experiences! The trip was two weeks long, and we spent half of the time in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and the other half in Salvador, Brazil. During my time abroad, my passion for social justice issues expanded. Often times I find myself with blinders on to the injustice that is happening in my city or country, without identifying the issues that happen globally as well.

After graduation, I plan on attending law school next fall! My time in Brazil inspired me to have a career in defending human rights. My hope is that by obtaining a JD, or Juris Doctor, that I will be able to help those that have been taken advantage of or discriminated against in legal aspects.