About me

Welcome to my page! I’m Dezy Cinocca.  I am from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, and am a graduate from the University of Oklahoma with a Human Relations Degree. I love reading, continually learning, following the rules, and helping others. My love for continual learning, following the rules, and helping others helped lead me to the Human Relations major.  

My career path began by thinking I wanted to pursue a law degree in order to help others. So, I entered college with Pre-Law and Letters as my chosen degree. Through coursework, shadowing, and internships, I quickly learned that courtrooms were not where I wanted to be. I wanted to help people in their daily lives but still, be involved in formulating fair workplace rules. Once deciding I wanted to work in Human Resources, I found my niche in Human Relations. My goal career ambitions are to help cultivate a workplace setting that is set around equality and inclusivity while adding financial gain to a company.  

I have cultivated a skill set to make this happen through coursework and internships. Some courses that have helped develop my knowledge base are Cultural Awareness, Women and Mental Health, Applied Research, Civil Justice in HR, Intro to Counseling in HR, Human Relations in Action, Social Change, Diversity in the Workplace, Leadership in Organizations, and Law and Social Movements, etc… I have also gained experience with internships working as Human Resouces Generalist/ Recruiter, Human Resources Compensation Analyst, and a Trailing Docs Specialist.

Throughout my college experience, I have gained an understanding of both the fields of Human Relations and Human Resources. Through this, I have determined both how I can provide support for a company and its employees. I look forward to the opportunity to better serve those around me.