About Me

My name is Kylea Glover. I am from Moore, Oklahoma and I am a student at the University of Oklahoma. When I first came to OU I was unsure about what I was going to do with my future and what was the right path for me. Through my many experiences in college and after much trial and error, I finally found my passion. I am currently finishing up my bachelor’s degree in Human Relations, and with it I plan to attain a job in Human Resources and learn more about the field and how everything works through personal experience in the workplace. I also have future goals of earning a master’s degree in Business Administration and becoming a traveling Human Resources consultant.

Growing up I was the oldest of four children and it taught me invaluable lessons on being a leader, teamwork, and having compassion for others. The skills and knowledge I gained transcends my childhood and applies to my everyday personal and professional life. Throughout college I have consistently had a job as a manager for a commercial cleaning company, KMG Enterprises, while attending school full time. I recently accepted a job in August of 2019 as a Customer Development Manager for Advantage Solutions, Hormel Dedicated and have been working there as well. Working two jobs and going to school full time is very different than being a big sister, but my responsibleness, networking, customer development, and time management skills are all in some ways thanks to that experience.

            Going to college and working in the grocery/produce and janitorial industries have given me unique opportunities. Going to college has given me the opportunity to grow and explore and be exposed to all types of people. Working in the grocery and produce industry has given me the opportunity to work with the public whilst in some of their most stressful moments, and how to get things done and sold quickly and on short notice because everything has an expiration date. Working in the janitorial industry I have had the opportunity to find a new respect for all job types and the people that keep things running smoothly behind the scenes that no one really acknowledges. I have experienced a lot and have been successful in both jobs, and in college and that speaks to my adaptability to any situation and to my learning and communication skills within those situations. I thoroughly enjoy working with people and solving problems with an ethical and empathetic lens. I am confident in my abilities to create a sense of comfort and understanding within professional and personal settings. My passion for the well-being of others combined with my work ethic make me capable of just about anything. I believe our workplace should be a place where we feel needed and appreciated and less like a cog in a machine. In my future I hope to help as many people feel that way within their jobs as possible.