About Me!

Hello there! My name is Desiree Howell! I am a Human Relations major, Psychology minor from the University of Oklahoma. I am passionate about helping others and making an impact on the world in whatever I do. It is my goal to make whoever I am around feel known and valued, since life can be very difficult. It has always been my dream to have a career in helping others, no matter what that may look like.

The career path that I am passionate about is counseling. Through this career you can help people through some of the hardest situations in their lives. Over the summer I was able to work at a counseling agency and saw the impact the counselors had on their patients. It is amazing to see how being there for something can help them heal. I plan on furthering my education to become a counselor by attaining a master’s degree in Human Relations with a focus on Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

The type of counseling I specifically want to pursue is family and marriage counseling. My parents got a divorce while I was in middle school, which was very hard on me. It was through that painful experience that I felt called to help others who may be experiencing what my family went through.