About Me

Ever since I was a child, my goal has been to make the world a better place, and what better way than to fight for equality for all? From the classroom to the workplace, an equal standing is what we all deserve and that can only be made possible through complete cooperation and a certain understanding of our fellow humans and the world that we live in. As a Human Relations major and specialist, my experience and education makes me the perfect candidate to fill any role that seeks to ease any environment into one of more substance or any corporation that has an end goal of bettering the social climate that we are all made to traverse. 

I was born and raised in the heart of the Sooner State in Norman, Oklahoma. From a very young age I knew that I would be one day attending the University of Oklahoma but I had no idea the career field that I would be pursuing. I had always had a knack for writing but I knew that my true passion was aimed elsewhere. After growing up near the poverty line and enduring the struggles that so many people are forced to deal with everyday, my mission became one that sought to establish social equality for all both through social movements and political conventions. You see, my core belief is that that world can only really be made equal through large waves of change and the natural passage of time. My role in this progression is to teach and practice empathy and understanding where it is needed and where it is demanded. The fight for legitimate equality is one that is never ending but is also the most important battle that most of us will ever face.