
HR Capstone websites are built over the course of a semester. Each student is expected to complete several assignments. They will then edit and post these assignments to their portfolios.

About Me

Within this ePortfolio this biographical assignment will serve as the personal home page providing a brief introduction to the student, emphasizing the student’s path to Human Relations, his or her studies, general interests, and career goals. Artifacts will be included in this piece.

What is HR

This assignment challenges students to explain the discipline of “Human Relations” to an audience of prospective employers. Students will draw on their core classes, creating a narrative of their educational experience. Artifacts will be included in this section of the ePortfolio (i.e. pictures, supplemental information).

Critical Analysis of “SL”

Students are tasked with writing a critical reflection based on their “Service-Learning” course experience using either qualitative or quantitative methodologies.

Students must provide a review of the “ism” in which they focused their community project, the theories applied, research methods employed, critical analysis of their work, and future directions. Artifacts such as a final PowerPoint presentation and journals from service-learning are required. Other artifact ideas are: Video clips, graphics, charts, statistics, coursework samples, and pictures.

Future Career

Within the ePortfolio this section will serve as a means for critical reflection. Students will contemplate their understanding of “self as learner” by analyzing their academic journey since attending the University of Oklahoma. Emphasis will be placed on discussing how course materials and hands-on activities throughout their HR career has influenced their future career and/or community service plans. Students will also draw on interviews with professionals working in the field. Students will include an updated resume in this section of the ePortfolio.

Supplemental Materials

In this section, students will include any supplemental materials to highlight their undergraduate experiences and/or degree.