Shadow Project Group Picture

Through the Human Relations Department at the University of Oklahoma, I was able to apply the skills I learned in my degree to plan a service-learning project: Shadow Project.

The Shadow Project is an event that aims to eliminate the barriers that first-generation students face. The project brought a group of high school seniors, who would be first-generation college students, to the University of Oklahoma for a day. The event allowed the students to meet other successful first-generation students, learn that college is a possibility for them, and gain resources and knowledge to aid them in their college journey.

Shadow Project Group Discussion

Attached is my research paper discussing the event in detail:

Click here to see another opportunity I have had to use my human relations skills with an internship at the YWCA.

In order to view more about me and my credentials, please go to the menu in the upper left corner of this page to navigate through my ePortfolio.