About Me

My name is Belle Ploetz. I am from San Antonio. I am a Senior at the University of Oklahoma pursuing a degree in Human Relations. I am originally from San Antonio, Texas. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be graduating from a University in a state that I made fun of growing up. I am a Texas girl at heart but thank goodness I learned to put the horns down!

At first I wanted to get a degree in business … not exactly sure what kind of business but there were many options. I was taking these classes and they were so hard. I had so many struggles, did tutoring, studied hard and yet I couldn’t get the grades I should have been getting for all the effort I was putting in. I was discouraged until I found about about Human Relations! I would be learning about people, office culture, important skills I would need for the real world when I graduate. I am so happy to be able to use what I have learned from my classes into the Recruiting area of HR.

I have loved my time here at OU. During my time I was involved in Alpha Gamma Delta sorority all four years and was involved in the OU Sweethearts club.