My name is Lexi van Creveld and I am a senior at the University of Oklahoma majoring in Human Relations. I began my time at OU as a Special Education major, then Early Childhood education, then marketing. It wasn’t until I realized that I needed a major broad enough to encompass all of my interests that I discovered Human Relations. As a Human Relations student, I have gained a deeper understanding of how to identify areas of injustice and effectively combat them. Human Relations has strengthened my passion for helping others and creating meaningful change within my community.

My parents were born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa before immigrating to the United States. They chose to settle down in Dallas, TX where my three siblings and I were born and raised. Until the age of seventeen, I was training to be a professional ballet dancer before suffering multiple ankle injuries, ending my professional dance career. I still love the artform and hope to incorporate it into my future career. I now enjoy spending my time baking or playing with my two cats and four dogs.

Carly, Liam, Max, and Benji
Gracie and Lenny

My goal is to attend Lewis and Clark College to earn my Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling. My ultimate dream is to work with pre-professional dancers and focus on combatting the disordered eating culture overtaking the dance world.

Lewis and Clark College