Hi! My name is Riley Wilkerson. I am currently a student at The University of Oklahoma and I’m preparing to graduate with two degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Bachelor of Arts in Human Relations. I grew up in a very small town (only about 800 people) about an hour north of Dallas called Valley View, TX. I have spent the last five years living in Norman and it has been such a wonderful experience.

I am an avid sports fan, especially college sports, and I plan to pursue a career in the sports industry. I have spent the last two years working for the OU Athletics Marketing and Fan Engagement department and it has been a blast! I have been able to meet so many great people and get to be a part of OU gameday for almost every sport we have here.

Traveling is another love of mine. My grandmother took me on my first trip to Hawaii when I was three years old and the passion for traveling hasn’t left since. The best trip I ever went on was a two-week European cruise back in 2019. We stopped at a few places in Norway, Ireland, and England but the best stop was Edinburgh, Scotland. The city had such an impact on me and I truly feel like I left a part of my heart there. I think about going back every single day.

Looking over Edinburgh from the Castle!

My favorite thing to do is watch movies. I love being able to enjoy other people’s stories through the screen. I will watch just about anything, especially if I like the cast. My favorite genres are comedy, drama, and MUSICALS!! I have loved movies for as long as I can remember. They are a way for me to escape into a different world and explore different feelings and places. If you’re ever looking for a movie recommendation, I’m your girl!