Hi there! My name is Kamrin Gay and I am graduating with a bachelors degree in Human Relations. I started out taking college level classes when I was a senior in high school. This put me a semester ahead when I came to OU. I came to OU in the fall of 2017. I always knew I wanted to go to OU because my family and I have always been huge OU fans. We were constantly going to games and being on the campus, which provided me with a lot of comfort when it came time to move to Norman. I started out as a pre-nursing major. My aunt and step mom are both nurses and the field interested me quite a bit. I gained experience and exposure through a volunteer program at my hometowns local hospital which is what made me pushed me to be a pre-nursing major. After taking a few general education science classes I realized I was not as interested as I thought I was. So, I decided to switch my major sophomore year to Human Relations. Since I had a full semester finished by the time I came to OU I had to opportunity to graduate early. However, I did not want to graduate early because I wanted to take advantage of my time at the University of Oklahoma. So, I decided to also get a minor in Communication.

I knew I wanted to study Human Relations because I enjoy meeting new people with different cultural backgrounds. I worked in retail for nine years, so that gave me a lot of exposure to different people every day. Being that I had this exposure I also gain knowledge around the cultural issues that people face. I knew that majoring in Human Relations would help me better understand those cultural issues, societal issues, who is oppressed, and what I can do to help. I decided to get a minor in Communication because I fully believe that strong communication leads to great success. I know that being educated on how to effectively communicate with other people, in small groups, and in public settings would help me make the difference I want to make. Having a Human Relations major and a Communication minor will both help me grow my interest around meeting new people, serving others, and making changes when it comes to cultural and societal issues. I plan to use my degree and my minor to become a leader in the Human Resources department for a large company in Oklahoma City. I am interested in working in a Human Resource department because of the role of important they serve when it comes to their employees and the ability to make an impact on someone’s life by hiring them for a job.