Critical Analysis of “SL”

Critical Analysis of “SL”

Transgender Individuals in the Workplace Critical Analysis of Service Learning

Transgender individuals encounter workplace discrimination and harassment at even higher rates than the rest of the LGBTQ+ community. The National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force released a study on transgender discrimination that revealed infinite discrepancies of treatment in the workplace:  “Ninety percent of transgender individuals have encountered some form of harassment or mistreatment on the job.  Forty-seven percent of workers have experienced an adverse job outcome because they are transgender. This includes forty-four percent who were passed over for a job, twenty-three percent who were denied a promotion, and 26 percent who were fired because they were transgender (Burns & Krehely, 2011)”.  

The workplace should be safe for all people. Everyone should have the same opportunities based off of merit. This is currently not the case. While in recent years the workplace has made many strides for workplace equality, it is not yet equal. Transgender individuals are still discriminated against. They do not have legal protection like other marginalized communities. There is not even the same level of research done to demonstrate this. Intersectionality plays a large role in discrimination for transgender people. Most people have multiple identities that factor into who they are. All of the five isms studied in the human relations are applicable to this subject due to this. They are racism, sexism, classism, ableism, and ageism. The first three are more common but they all intersect.  Transgender individuals face discrimination in the workplace and this needs to be remedied. The workplace is not inclusive for the transgender community due to sexism, racism, and fear in correlation to LGBQ+T/ Transgender theory.