My dream job would be VP of Students or President of a higher education institution. I have aspirations to better college campuses to provide a safe environment for all students, but specifically geared towards marginalized students whose voices are not heard. I have done previous research on higher education standardized testing barriers and sexual violence and victimization within greek lettered organizations at an undergraduate level. I hope to continue doing research on more social issues that affect students at a disproportionate rate and preventing them to succeed during their college experience.

My goal is to create safe environments for students inside and outside the classroom. Becoming a higher education professional has been a goal of mine since I took the time to reflect on my own undergraduate experience. The amount of resources, and lack of, has been evident, and I want to continue fighting for students. I have had opportunities working with students through my executive positions on campus as well as being a Peer Teaching Assistant for two semesters. I have recently been offered and accepted a Graduate Assistantship working in the Graduate Student Life office.

Within the next five years, I anticipate working in Student Affairs and working along with students, allowing them to voice their concerns, and creating strategic plans to spark change in various areas on campus. I want to build connections and help guide students through their undergraduate journey.

Human Relations has equipped me with skills such as communication, presentation skills, cultural competence and awareness, and professional writing. Being a Human Relations major has granted me opportunities to work with different people who come from various backgrounds and that is the unique thing that sticks out to me about higher education. There are students on campus who come from different parts of the world, and their stories on campus is important. I’m excited to see what’s next!